In this show, the talented performers Phil Gates as Jake Blues and Mike Latch as Elwood Blues combine singing, dancing, and acting into an electrifying performance. Dressed in dark sunglasses, classic black suits, and hats, they authentically embody these legendary characters, creating an unforgettable experience. With their unique energy and passion, they deliver a show that brings the cult appeal of the Blues Brothers back to the stage for fans everywhere.
Step into the unique world of the legendary Blues Brothers! THE ORIGINAL BLUES BROTHERS DOUBLE SHOWbrings the unmistakable sound, humor, and iconic spirit of the original live to the stage. Get ready for a high-energy show packed with hits that have thrilled generations – an authentic, captivating performance that transports you straight to the heart of the Blues Brothers era!
Perfect for Any Event
Whether it's a corporate event, party, commercial, photo shoot, film production, or large-scale gathering – The Original Blues Brothers Double Show is sure to impress! This professional, high-energy show brings excitement to any occasion, offering your guests a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience they won't forget!
Awards and Nominations
Winner of the prestigious Legends Award, as well as the Industry Media and International Show Award, this show ranks among the top live double performances in Europe!
The lights go down...
The show begins: the original intro, "I Can't Turn You Loose," booms from the speakers as two blue spotlights hit Phil and Mike. With hits like "Everybody Needs Somebody," "Soul Man," and "Sweet Home Chicago," the party ignites, captivating the audience from the first beat. A thrilling performance that excites every viewer and brings the dance floor to life!
"It's 106 Miles to Chicago. We've Got a Full Tank of Gas, Half a Pack of Cigarettes, It's Dark, and We're Wearing Sunglasses. - Hit it"